We are a COVID vaccination clinic

We only administer Pfizer vaccines. Vaccinations are available via a first in first serve system. Due to the limited availability of the vaccines, the waiting list may be long which is why It is important to understand that vaccinations must be booked by either booking online or calling the reception on 0397648440.

The Corona virus (COVID-19) has been declared a national pandemic

Most common symptoms:

Less common symptoms:

Serious Symptoms:

What to do when arriving at the clinic

To ensure a fast and smooth visit at the clinic its important to understand our latest patient admission process. As part of our COVID response plan, our clinic doors are automatically locked. To gain entry to the clinic you must click on the intercom located at the front entrance and rear entrance of the clinic. Please follow the steps below.

  1. A mask must be worn prior to entrance into the clinic
  2. When entering the clinic from the rear entrance, walk up the stair and press the intercom button and our reception team will advise where you can wait for your appointment.
  3. When entering the clinic from the front entrance, press the intercom button near the power box and our reception team will advise where you can wait for your appointment.

Why do we have a mask policy?

The safety of our patients and staff are paramount, especially when it comes to COVID.

As a private practice, we are maintaining our policy of masks to be worn by all whilst inside the clinic. We have a COIVD Safe Plan in action, and in order to maintain our infection control policies and protect patients and staff who enter our clinic, we ask that face-fitting masks be worn inside.

If you have an exemption and need an appointment, we have a few options for you whilst being able to uphold our policy and keep everyone safe and well.

If you suspect you or your family member has the Corona virus you MUST call or chat with us BEFORE coming to the clinic. Over the phone or via chat our team will be able to perform a basic triage and advise what the next best actions will be. If you would like to learn more about the Corona Virus please subscribe to the following newsletter using the link below, or call the national “Corona virus Health Information Hotline” on 1800 020 080.